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Enabling Infrastructure for a Cleaner Future

As our customers continue to innovate and discover cleaner, more efficient ways to deliver utility service, Centuri is there to support the transition to clean energy.

View Energy Transition Projects

Centuri energy transition offshore wind

Offshore Wind

Centuri companies support our partners in this emerging industry with heavy civil, mechanical, and electric services centered around the onshore construction of turbine foundation components.

Centuri energy transition renewable natural gas

Renewable Natural Gas

As our customers develop sources of renewable natural gas (RNG), Centuri provides the infrastructure that enables it to be injected into existing distribution systems.

Centuri energy transition methane reduction

Methane Reduction

Our leak mitigation work advances our customers’ goals to improve safety and reduce emissions associated with aging natural gas infrastructure.

Centuri energy transition electric vehicle

Electric Vehicle

In support of customer air quality programs, Centuri companies construct electric vehicle charging stations and related infrastructure.

Centuri energy transition battery storage

Battery Storage

Our construction of battery energy storage systems (BESS) benefits network efficiency, resilience, and increased uptake of renewable energy.